We're fresh from the Sound 2024 exhibition at LCB Depot in Leicester, where we have a piece titled 'Edges of Transmission', alongside which we ran two Open Wave-Receiver building workshops. We found multiple radio stations in the air onsite and had loads of fun attaching our antennas to everything we could find: a giant metal cistern, fencing, empty kegs, and the buildings themselves, to name a few. The exhibition is on through Friday 20 September, if you're in town! Also, we sat down with Rob Watson from Radio Lear for an interview: you can hear 'Transcending Traditional Boundaries' on the Radio Lear website.
We're delighted to be part of this group show at LCB Depot in Leicester (UK) opening in a couple of weeks. Expect some long-form transmissions sourced locally and from afar!
October 2024